
Blood Group Kit (3x10ml)

Blood Group Kit (3x10ml)

  • Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-AB are monoclonal antibodies of IgM type specific against red blood antigens A and B. The monoclonal test reagents are used to determine the antigens of the ABO blood group system by agglutination of human red blood cells.
  • Clinical Significance:- Between 1900 and 1902, Landsteiner and associates discovered the ABO system of red blood cell antigens. The importance of this discovery is the recognition that antibodies are present when the corresponding antigens are lacking. The ABO system is the only blood group system in which the reciprocal antibodies are consistently and predictably present in most people. Due to this reciprocity, an ABO blood type determination is considered valid if serum typing corresponds with the red blood cell antigen grouping.
  • Principal:-
  • The human ABO blood group system consists in the fact that persons lacking the A and/or B antigens from the red cells regularly have antibodies in the serum at the missing antigens. The following table shows the principal antigens and antibodies of ABO system.
Blood Group Antigens present on the RBC Antibodies present in the serum
O Anti-A and Anti-B
A A Anti-B
B B Anti-A
AB A and B None
  • The specific monoclonal antibodies of the reagents agglutinate red cells possessing the relevant antigen. Phenotyping (grouping) of the blood sample is determined by presence of haemagglutination with Anti A or Anti B.


  • Anti-D IgG/IgM is designed for in vitro diagnostic and professional use only. It is intended for detection of Rhesus D Antigen and Weak Du Human Red Blood Cells.
  • Clinical Significance:- After the ABO system, discovered by Landsteiner in 1900. The most important blood group antigen from the Rh blood group antigen, first described in 1939, is the D antigen from the Rh blood group system. The determination of RhD is defined by the presence or absence of the D antigen in the red blood cells.
  • Material Required But Not Provided:-
  • Test tubes (8X50mm)
  • Slides
  • Pipettes
  • Applicator stick
  • Centrifuge
  • (0.9% NaCI) saline
  • General laboratory equipment
  • Interpretation:-
Rh D +Ve Red cells samle positive for haemagglutination with Anti-D IgG/IgM
Rh D -Ve No agglutination of red cells with Anti-D IgG/IgM