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True Answer® Blood Glucose Meter
- A glucose meter is a device you use at home to measure the level of glucose in your blood.Blood glucose monitoring is an important part of your diabetes care, especially if you are taking insulin.Prepare these items: glucose meter,test strip,lancet device,needle (lancet),alcohol swab,dry swab puncture-proof plastic container with a screw-on cap (e.g. shampoo container).The insulin and test strips have not passed their expiry are using. The correct type of batteries
The box of test strips comes with a code key.The code key number is the same as that on the box of test strips.Insert the code key into the test strip slot. Check that the number appearing on the screen is the same as that on the box of test strips.You must calibrate the glucose meter each time you open a new box of test strips.Remove the lancet cover and put the needle in.Remove the needle cap by twisting it. Do not touch the needle.Replace the lancet cover carefully. Adjust the depth of your lancet device according to your skin thickness.Prime the lancet device by pressing the release button (for some products, you need to pull and release the lever).Remove test strip from the foil or from the test strip container. Insert it into the test strip slot and this will automatically turn the meter on.Wipe one finger (index, middle or ring) with an alcohol swap and let it dry.
- Press the lancet device firmly against the side of your finger.Push button to release the needle. Squeeze your finger to get a drop of blood.Touch the end of the test strip to the drop of blood.Apply a dry swab over the puncture site.Wait for the result to show on the screen. This is your blood glucose level.Record your result in your.
- Put away items safely:-Remove the lancet cover.Recap the needle before removing it. Throw the used needle into the plastic container and screw on the cap. Store needle container away from children and pets.Replace lancet cover and store away the glucose meter.Wash your hands again with soap and water.